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Silicom Laptop

Silicom Corporation

To address mobile needs of Solaris(R) platform users, the Silicom Laptopsystem comes pre-loaded with Solaris(R), Ethernet and 28.8Kbps modem; andpre-configured for dial-up PPP connections. The system includes 12.1" 22Active Matrix display, 2.1Gbyte disk, CDROM, Floppy disk, and 133MhzPentium processor, with up to 4 hours battery power. This is an idealsystem for System administrators and Network professionals, who need aportable Solaris(R) system. Lotus Notes is available as an option.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris x86 2.5

Silicom Corporation
PO Box 2264
Cupertino, CA 95015
Phone: 4082559800
Fax: (408) 257-2243